Sunday 3 July 2011

Leaving time

Today's the day that we're off.
We've all been quite busy with work and family life getting ready for today's departure for the Scandinavian countries. Carnival had to be negotiated, with a bit of a headache. I was teaching all day yesterday too.
This morning, we'll be meeting at the square in Eynsham at lunch time, I'll be packing clothing and then getting all the things I think I might need or want onto the bike. And doing some last minute chasing up of our ferry documents as the don't seem to be coming up when I try to download them on my computer. A little excitment before we go.

I've now not shaved since Friday and definitely stubbled up. We'll aim to put a picture online of the three of us fully loaded and ready to go this lunch time.

We want to get to Harwich by about 4, and easy journey I think, for our first ferry. I'm hoping to get an internet connection once we're onboard for further uploads then.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the deet!
    Beautiful weather here, let's hope it stays like this for you.
