Saturday 9 July 2011

Fridays ride, a little late

Friday was a gear day, aren't they nearly always?
We woke in our clamping spot having, heard a bit of rain overnight,to see 2 porpoises about 20 meters away from us. In the sea of course.
A light breakfast of porridge with nuts and dried fruit, again, washed down with tea and we got on the bikes once again. I think we were all starting to feel some part of our bodies from the many hours on a bike so far. Frank had an achey rear, Frazer an achey shoulder and I was a bit achey between my shoulder blades.
The sun was out and some feisty roads again loosened us up a treat. As did a coffee as we entered the northern area of Norway.
The weather got warmer and warmer again, though we didn't see over 80f, as we travelled further north at a good speed.
High point of the ride was entering the arctic circle at 3.20pm local time, there's a picture already uploaded. Obviously we had to celebrate with an ice cream as it was 78f there.
An equally great moment was arriving in Langfjord at Jon and Pam's to say hello and stay for the weekend. Or the week in Frank's case. It was fantastic to see the family up here and to see there place with no snow and ice as I'd seen it before in winter.
The hot tub was awaiting us as were a number of cool beers so straight after dinner we hopped in the tub with beers in hand.
Further treats were the arrival of Arne Karlstrom who owns a farm up the road and is also a husky musher who has up to 50 dogs in his yard. And later Frank's wife Helen and son Christisn arrived having flown over. Again there's pictures already uploaded.
We eventually got to get having been thoroughly broiled in the tub at about 3am, it still being fully light.
Saturdays stuff is to follow.

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