Thursday 16 June 2011

What is the point?

So, what is this all about? Simple. It all started on a Tuesday night in the pub, like many adventures have, when I, Alan, was talking to Frank, he of regular beard, when the subject of going awaynon his new motorcycle came up. 'Well' I said 'we could ride over to see Jon and Pam in Norway, that'd be a 'proper' ride out. 'Good idea' said Frank.
So, here we are 8 months later and it's only two weeks or so until we leave on the 4th of July. Oh yes, and Frazer bought a BMW so he could come too, like you do.
I'll fill you in on the route we're taking in the next few posts, in case you're really interested, and on some of the things we're hoping to do while travelling. As an outline though we'll be travelling about 5000 miles in total, about 4000 of which will be on our bikes. And we'll be doing it in 13 days, or at least Frazer and I will, Frank's staying a bit longer, because he can.
And the bearded thing? Well, Frank is mostly bearded in a rugged sort of way, Frazer has been experimenting with the same rugged look, and I am looking forward to giving my face a rest from shaving for a week or two. And you have to have something as a centre point for these blogs don't you.

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