Thursday, 30 June 2011


Do you ever find yourself saying before a trip, 'what could I have forgotten?'.
I'm wondering if that this might presuppose some to be forgotten.
So, rather than trying to remember not to forget, I'm going to forget forgetting and remember instead.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Insurance check up

I have a list of things to do before our trip together coming up. One if them was to check my bike insurance covered all it should.
With this in mind I called my insurers today to see that I'm insured and what I should take.
A nice young man answered my call, asking how he might help me.
'Id like to check tha my policy covers me to ride in scaninavia' I asked, adding 'Ill be riding in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden'.
'Ill check that for you' the reply came. Followed by some badly recorded Wagner for a couple of minutes.
Then he came back online.
'There's goodness and bad news' he told me. 'You're covered for Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden. But not for scandinavia'!
'But those countries are scaninavia' I replied.

Apparently his geography isn't that good, he admitted. And it seems I am covered.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Final preparations, and beer

Photo by Bryan

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Apirilia is go

The Aprilia has once again roared into life with what appears to be a clean bill of health. The melting connector has been replaced with a new and groovy one so Scandinavia should be an easier prospect.
Many thanks to Gav at Gavins Bike Hospital

Motorcycle wellenss

Still she breathes.
At about the same time as Gav found it I read how a certain connector on aprillia's tends to melt causing generator problems. The connector has been replaced and some new bits of wiring loom built up. It looks like I may make it round Scandinavia. Hoorah for Gavins Bike Hospital.

Monday, 27 June 2011

A quick update, more to follow later.
My bike, that I'm hoping will take me over 3000 miles was a reluctant starter last Friday. I've just heard the generator may have packed up.

Getting exciting isn't it?

Will he travel?

Will he get there?

Will he get home?

Shall I have tea or coffee with this carrot cake?

So many questions!

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The route part 2

Having said goodbye to Frank, Frazer and I will be heading back south away from the arctic circle. We'll head straight down going through some of Finland before entering Sweden. 'Be ready for lots of trees' we've been told. We'll probably knock out some Hugh mileages that first day or so so that we can get to Stockholm for a half day look round. I've heard it called the venice of the north. Cornetto maybe?
From Stockholm we'll be going further south to find a ferry, unbooked so far, to take us to Denmark. Our last ferry is booked to bring us home from Esjberg late afternoon on Friday 15th July.

Well, that's our outlined route, and it's slightly vague intentionally to allow for 'stuff' happening along the way. And you keep the excitement of where we might turn up next for readers of this very blog.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

The route part 1

So what route will you be following soon to be bearded Blokes? I hear you ask. Well, here's an outline of what we're planning.
We'll be leaving Eynsham about 12 midday on Monday 4th July. We want to be in Harwich for our first ferry by 4pm or so. We'll get a good rest on the ferry as it's 18 hours to Esbjerg in Denmark. We'll be under a little more pressure in Denmark as we have to get to another ferry in Copenhagen by 4.30. Another overnight rest follows though as it takes 14 hours to get to Oslo. The harder riding starts then.
We should be riding out of Oslo by 9am at the latest with a first days aim of getting a good 100-200 miles past Trondheim. That'll make for a 450-500 mile day. Good job we'll have had two good rest nights. We've decided to go for this big mile first day so we can take it a little steadier in the northern part of Norway.
That should leave us with about 350 miles per day for the next 2, the Thursday and Friday, to take us to Jon and Pam's. Pam is Frank's sister. I've been to stay in the winter months and I'm really looking forward to saying hello in summer. It'll be 24 hour sun while we're there.
We'll stay Stay with them until Monday morning. Or at least Frazer and I will. Frank is staying another 5 days or so. Bye bye Frank!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

I'll be twittering too at AlanCraftChiro and on the news page at

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More to follow

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I should add Frank is on the left as you look and Frazer is in the middle.

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Beards in various states of growth

As you can see Frank has taken the beard growing quite seriously already whilst Frazer is playing with the idea. I'll be shaving daily until the day before we go.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

What is the point?

So, what is this all about? Simple. It all started on a Tuesday night in the pub, like many adventures have, when I, Alan, was talking to Frank, he of regular beard, when the subject of going awaynon his new motorcycle came up. 'Well' I said 'we could ride over to see Jon and Pam in Norway, that'd be a 'proper' ride out. 'Good idea' said Frank.
So, here we are 8 months later and it's only two weeks or so until we leave on the 4th of July. Oh yes, and Frazer bought a BMW so he could come too, like you do.
I'll fill you in on the route we're taking in the next few posts, in case you're really interested, and on some of the things we're hoping to do while travelling. As an outline though we'll be travelling about 5000 miles in total, about 4000 of which will be on our bikes. And we'll be doing it in 13 days, or at least Frazer and I will, Frank's staying a bit longer, because he can.
And the bearded thing? Well, Frank is mostly bearded in a rugged sort of way, Frazer has been experimenting with the same rugged look, and I am looking forward to giving my face a rest from shaving for a week or two. And you have to have something as a centre point for these blogs don't you.